* 次の著作から使える!証明を省略するときの決まり文句全集 [#pf9428f3]


** 日本語version [#t02b42b8]

--アティマク, p5

--同上, p35




--キューネン数学基礎論講義, p241

- (i),(ii)は容易、(iii),(iv)は省略、(v)は(iv)より導かれる
--河田ホモロジー代数, p26

--同上, p212 


** 英語version [#p0abf02a]

- We leave the proof of the last assertion to the reader.
-- Munford, "Algebraic Geometry I: Complex Projective Varieties", p17

- Proof left to reader.
-- the same above, p19
-- the same as above, p19

- It is easy to check (hogehoge).

-We omit the simple proofs of these results.
--Bishop, Constructive Analysis, p21

-The reader unused to such proofs should write out the proof in full.
--Blackburn, et al., Modal Logic, p56

-These statements are immediate from the results of the previous section.
--May, A Concise Course in Algebraic Topology, p27

-We shall leave the proofs to the reader, but the wise reader will simply take our word for it, at least on a first reading: we do not want to overemphasize this material, the importance of which can only become apparent in retrospect.
--the same as above, p37

-If you have enough patience prove the analog to (2.1.7) for finitely many increments of N.
-- Thomas Mikosch, "Non-Life Insurance Mathematics", p18

-Using representation (3.2.15),one can show that〜
-- the same as above, p99

** [#obe8d456]


- Using representation (3.2.15),one can show that〜 --  &new{2018-06-13 (水) 22:22:01};
- Thomas Mikosch,”Non-life Insurance Mathematics”,p99 --  &new{2018-06-13 (水) 22:22:55};


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